sreda, 30. junij 2010


ROSSETA live cover on 10 July, 18:00–23:00h

official site

Watch live streaming video from eurospaceagency at

Lutetia 21

sobota, 19. junij 2010

MCNought C1/2009 R1


Here's an animatIon I took this morning with my 70mm frac - 15 x 2 min luminance

It's suffering from a fair amount of light pollutIon, as is very low down in all the London suburb murk - but seems to have come out clear enough to give a feeling of what this comet is doing - going past us to get around the sun.

Thanks for looking
Submitted by: Matt Garwood (mattgarwood)
Location: Hornchurch, Essex, UKDate: June 12 2010

četrtek, 17. junij 2010


Slacker astonomy

Slacker Astronomy is a weekly audio podcast about astronomy news that aired weekly from February 24, 2005 to September 14, 2006. After that, it branched out as a video podcast, blog, forum and a wiki called Slackerpedia Galactica.[1]

The podcast was created by Aaron Price, who wrote most of the scripts and ran the web site. The on-air talent were Dr. Pamela Gay (who also wrote some of the scripts) and Travis Searle (who engineered most episodes).[2] At the time, Aaron and Travis worked for the American Association of Variable Star Observers and Pamela worked for the Harvard University Science Center.

Slacker Astronomy peaked at #4 in the top 10 Science & Medicine podcasts in iTunes Store in January, 2006 and at the time reported 13,000 unique weekly listeners.[3] Its most popular show was downloaded by approximately 36,000 unique IPs after being featured on the frontpage of Slashdot on May 17, 2007.[4]

In addition to the weekly 5-10 minute show, there was another feed called Slacker Astronomy Extra where they published longer and unscripted shows, interviews and sound-seeing tours. The name 'Slacker Astronomy' was a trial name, and was meant to change early on in production but just stayed the same. The logo was designed by web cartoonist R. K. Milholland.

In September 2006, Pamela left the show and astronomer Dr. Doug Welch, Michael Koppelman and Rebecca Turner joined as hosts. Aaron began graduate school at the time, so had less time for script writing. These changes involved a format shift away from the the scripted shows towards the more informal shows and video podcasts. In 2009, Doug and Michael were joined by Mike Simonsen as the official producers and primary hosts with Aaron and Travis occasionally contributing. Pamela Gay is now a co-host of the Astronomy Cast podcast but has made numerous cameo appearances.

official site: click
arhiv: click

Planetary Radio
The Planetary Society, founded in 1980 by Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray, and Louis Friedman, inspires and involves the world's public in space exploration through advocacy, projects, and education. Today, The Planetary Society is the largest and most influential public space organization group on Earth. Dedicated to exploring the solar system and seeking life beyond Earth, The Planetary Society is non-governmental and nonprofit and is funded by the support of its members.


Astronomy Cast

Astronomy Cast takes a fact-based journey through the cosmos as it offers listeners weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela L. Gay (SIUE), this show brings the questions of an avid astronomy lover direct to an astronomer. Together Fraser and Pamela explore what is known and being discovered about the universe around us.


Pamela L.Gay


Na Hrvatskom radiju, na 2. programu, svakog utorka u 20h ide uživo jedna naučno-popularna emisija posvećena astronomiji i novostima iz sveta astronomije i nauka srodnih njoj. Emisiju vode Tanja Devčić (i ona je ta koja postavlja pitanja gostima i pitanja koja čitaoci redovno šalju na e-mail adresu emisije – i Ante Radonić, jedan od najvećih popularizatora astronomije i astronautike u Hrvatskoj.

Emisiju možete uživo pratiti tako što ćete na sajtu Hrvatskog radija (tačnije sa naći stream-ove i sačekati utorak, 20h.

Ono što je još bolje kod ove emisije je to što možete poslušati emisije koje ste propustili. Ako odete na sajt i u padajućem meniju koji se zove “Mreža” odaberete 2. program, a u meniju “Naziv emisije” odaberete Andromedu.

Onda vam samo preostaje da sednete u neku fotelju, lepo se namestite i slušate. Mnogo toga ćete naučiti.

Vsak četrtek na Valu 202 ob 17h
: click


live cast: click
arhiv: click *zzn dotateke* Doživetja narave

Explora je kontakt radio emisija na radio Pulu u kojoj Korado Korlević odgovara na pitanja slušatelja.

Explora se održava svakim utorkom na radio Pulu u vremenu od 15:30 - 16:20h.

Arhiv: free_online






Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiters Ocean Moon by Richard Greenberg

Unmasking Europe

sreda, 16. junij 2010

messier star chart

Na zgornji karti so vrisani Messierjevi objekti na zvezdno karto. Vsi so na delu neba, vidnem s severne poloble, saj je Messier opazoval na severni polobli in južnega neba ni katalogiziral.


Bonus Slovenian Astronomy


sreda, 9. junij 2010


Possible Cone Field in Phlegra Dorsa (ESP_017679_2065)
Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Pravkar so prispele nove slike iz Marsa. Hi RISE kamera na Mars Reconnaissance Orbiteu je poslala poplavo podatkov snemane med 5 Aprilom do 6 Maja 2010.
Ta zajema več kot šeststo slik zadnja opazovanja pokrajine Mars, kot je razvidno iz orbite, vključno z prizori Valovi jarkov, geometrijski grebeni, strme stene,nenavadne sipine...
Vsaka od 629 novih slik pokrivajo področje nekaj kvadratnih kilometrov na Marsu in razkriva podrobnosti, majhne kot so pisalne mize.

HiRISE website

četrtek, 3. junij 2010

Komet 103P/Hartley 2


Komet Hartley 2 ali 103P/Hartley je periodični komet z obhodno dobo okoli 6,5 let
pripada pa Jupitrovi družini kometov.

Komet je odkril 15. marca 1986 avstralski astronom Malcolm Hartley na Observatoriju Siding Spring v Avstraliji s pomočjo Schmidtovega teleskopa.

Premer kometa je 1,6 km [2]. V letu 1982 se je močno približal Jupitru. Pričakujejo, da se nam bo v letu 2010 zelo približal. Takrat bi naj bil viden tudi s prostim očesom. Po predvidevanjih bi lahko imel magnitudo okoli 4 je pa nizko na obzorju zjutraj upam da viden.

Komet Hartley 2 je tudi eden izmed ciljev misije Deep Impact. Kometu naj bi se vesoljska sonda približala 11. oktobra 2010 v okviru misije EPOXI.



Foto: MP date: 22.5.2010 time: 23:13


Foto:MP datum: 23.5.2010 čas: 20:41


moja nekdanja profesorica

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